full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Beth Malone: How my dad's dementia changed my idea of death (and life)

Unscramble the Blue Letters

My dad has frontotemporal lobe dementia, or FTD. It's a cinunsofg desaise that hits people in their 50s or 60s. It can completely change someone's personality, mkniag them paranoid and even violent. My dad's been sick for a decade, but three years ago he got really sick, and we had to move him out of his house — the house that I grew up in, the house that he built with his own hnads. My strapping, cool dad with the fesltato singing voice had to move into a facility for round-the-clock care when he was just 65.

Open Cloze

My dad has frontotemporal lobe dementia, or FTD. It's a _________ _______ that hits people in their 50s or 60s. It can completely change someone's personality, ______ them paranoid and even violent. My dad's been sick for a decade, but three years ago he got really sick, and we had to move him out of his house — the house that I grew up in, the house that he built with his own _____. My strapping, cool dad with the ________ singing voice had to move into a facility for round-the-clock care when he was just 65.


  1. confusing
  2. disease
  3. hands
  4. making
  5. falsetto

Original Text

My dad has frontotemporal lobe dementia, or FTD. It's a confusing disease that hits people in their 50s or 60s. It can completely change someone's personality, making them paranoid and even violent. My dad's been sick for a decade, but three years ago he got really sick, and we had to move him out of his house — the house that I grew up in, the house that he built with his own hands. My strapping, cool dad with the falsetto singing voice had to move into a facility for round-the-clock care when he was just 65.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
kill dad 2
ginger ale 2

Important Words

  1. built
  2. care
  3. change
  4. completely
  5. confusing
  6. cool
  7. dad
  8. decade
  9. dementia
  10. disease
  11. facility
  12. falsetto
  13. frontotemporal
  14. ftd
  15. grew
  16. hands
  17. hits
  18. house
  19. lobe
  20. making
  21. move
  22. paranoid
  23. people
  24. personality
  25. sick
  26. singing
  27. strapping
  28. violent
  29. voice
  30. years